Tuesday, April 18, 2006

From the Boardroom, April, 2006

Lizette Venter

The Lord has really been amazing in the past few months. Things that we defined as failures, He has turned into opportunities.

Pretoria North High’s Year of Grace
During the first term we had hoped to do analysis on all levels of the school community (parents, staff, management and learners) but were only able to analyze the leaders and a detention group. But this is an example of where we had to understand that what was in our plans was not necessarily what God had intended.

Having only this limited analysis available, that’s what we decided to work with, and to our amazement we found that was already a job to be reckoned with. Tackling the leadership of the school and putting in place a new model for detention was a task we felt ill equipped to handle; it was certainly a God-sized task!

And God has once again provided, on time! He has added to the team Hettie, with all the necessary experience and material to handle both the leader and detention programs and Erika, who is already taking up the battle to a spiritual level. Welcome to you both as part of the team.
Help Needed!

Konings Kinders
Ian Dubery and Danie gave us some insight into the work being done with the Koningskinders and the synergies between the two organizations were amazing. Not only will we join hands in prayer, but we intend to work closely together in both 121@VMA’s and the Koningskinder events. We look forward to a successful partner relationship.

Youth Network
On the subject of networking, we have a youth network event planned on the 19th of April at the SAPS offices in Pretoria North at 18h00. At our first event everyone declared their interest in consolidating the various youth ministry efforts into events or projects that would indeed make a difference in the youth North of the Magalies. For those still interested, contact Cori for more information.

Although we had an amazing strategy session on the 10th of April, we understand that God is in control, and although we have made some plans, He will decide how it pans out. All Glory to Him!

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