With the last update, we made mention of new people who had joined our team, including William. Unfortunately, William has left us again, having landed a good job with the CSIR in Pretoria. We wish him all the best and thank him for his contribution to 121!
Pray: Continue to pray for the rest of the team as we prepare and plan for 2007.
Financial: At this point, we need R2000 monthly to cover team expenses. If you are interested in contributing to this, please use ‘121 team’ as your reference.
Last week Monday was our last detention session at Pretoria North High. On Friday we treated the staff to a finger lunch and filled them in on what we’d been doing the past term. The feedback from staff and school management was extremely positive. We’ve been invited to carry on our program there in 2007. We’re also waiting to hear from a couple of schools in terms of getting involved with them next year. During this break, we’re hard at work developing more material to present during detention.
Pray: Please pray that we develop relevant, life-changing material that will impact lives in the new year.
Financial: Developing material for detention programs costs in the area of R500 a session. If you are interested in contributing to this, please use ‘CDP material’ as your reference.
We’re still training our volunteers in Soshanguve on a weekly basis. There are about twelve regulars who we are both discipling and equipping in terms of being effective facilitators. There are numerous challenges related to working in Soshanguve, from communication, to a secure venue for training. Although schools we’ve approached are excited about our program, again, communication is a challenge and we still need to finalise what schools we will be working in, and the logistics around that.
Pray: Pray for the volunteers, that they will fully understand 121’s vision and mission and become deeply committed to following Jesus. Pray for ease of communication, both with the volunteers as well as the schools. Pray for Hope, who continues to coordinate the project in Soshanguve for 121.
Financial: Training the volunteers in Soshanguve has a weekly cost of around R200. If you are interested in contributing to this, please use ‘Project Sosh’ as your reference.
On Saturday, Edgar Ramsami from Sonlife in Johannesburg, took us through a fantastic training program that looked at the character of a youth worker, understanding the world of a young person and exploring the difference between punishment and discipline. It was great to have both our team in Pretoria North and our volunteers-in-training from Soshanguve together for this event. At the end of November, we’re planning a training with Scripture Union.
Pray: Pray for the training at the end of the month, that it will be meaningful, equipping our volunteers for the task ahead.
Financial: The training with Scripture Union will cost R1000. If you are interested in contributing to this, please use ‘training’ as your reference.
On the 5th of December, the 121 board and team will have a getaway day to strategise and plan for the year ahead.
Pray: Please pray that we will have a productive time together, that we will be able to communicate effectively and be continuously aligned with what God would have us be busy with.
THANK YOU again to all our supporters, all those who pray and care and support us financially or through an encouraging word or email. This past month we have been truly blessed by so many people who have assured us again that they are praying for us. We often feel so overwhelmed and small in the light of such enormous challenges and need; so ill-equipped and weakly-financed for such a great task. Yet with a team of supporters like yourselves that extends across the globe, and with our eyes on Jesus, we know we can continue to walk on water, as the impossible becomes possible through Him.
Cori, for the 121 team.
Our Bank Details
Name: 121 At VMA Catalysts
Bank: Standard Bank
Account No: 011351470
Branch Code: 010445