Lizette Venter
Commitment is Key
Coming from a commercial background you often think that running an NGO or non-profit organization should be somewhat different, and we tend to forget that what we need in business, we also need in a non-profit environment. The normal stuff like contracts and documents should be there to ensure that the organization is protected, but more than that, we need commitment. Committed Volunteers
Firstly, we need commitment from our volunteers, and here the Lord has provided us with more than we deserve. We have a team of 12 volunteers that are prepared to offer their time, expertise and knowledge for nothing more than a thank you, with no guarantees of any promotion, high end salary or status. They’re doing this because the have a passion for young people and want to make a difference. So to all our volunteers: thank you for your commitment. May you be blessed.
Committed Partners
Secondly we also need commitment from our partners, and here once again the Lord has provided. We have been dealing with people outside the organization that are willing to train our volunteers, provide us with material and to support us in every way that they possibly can. Thanks to all who share our vision and who are willing to invest in 121.
Committed SchoolsThirdly we require commitment from the schools we deal with. It was so amazing that the Lord confirmed our purpose and calling in schools specifically this week, when we needed it so badly. The needs in schools are huge, and there are teachers who are willing to allow us insight and input into their full disciplinary processes. Thanks to our first schools who were prepared to give us a chance to test the programs in their schools, at risk to themselves.
Committed Sponsors
Thanks for the commitment from our sponsors, who although knowing very little of what we are busy with, are still prepared to give. The Lord provided a projector and some speakers for us to use during our programs, finances to pay our debts, and the necessary funds to purchase some material and to employ our first semi-permanent youth worker in Shoshanguve. We thank all of you who made this possible.
Committed Prayers
Lastly thanks to those who promised to pray for us and provide their commitment in the still of the morning or the late of the night as they talk to God. We know that your input into the organization is not always visible, but without this, we would probably not have survived the past few weeks. The positive impact we are seeing we contribute to the time you spend in prayer.
In order therefore for 121@VMA to exist and to function as an organization we need committed people. If you want to offer your commitment in any of the above ways, please feel free to contact us. We always need more hands, more material, more money, more prayer.
121@VMA has been going through an exciting, yet challenging time, with a lot of changes and new opportunities. Our primary activity these last few weeks has been the detention program at various schools around Pretoria. This has become a time where we have really been able to impact on learners lives.
- let us thank God for the work accomplished in the last few weeks
- that God will open many doors to other schools also, according to His will
- that God will make a way to openly talk about the Lord Jesus Christ and the Gospel
- that we as facilitators will be open to the guidance of the Holy Spiri- that we will be good sowers of the seed (His Word) - Matt 13:1-23
- that He will prepare the ground for the seeds to fall on good ground (hearts of learners we deal with)
- that the learners will hear and understand (Matt 13:23) the Word, so that it can bear much fruit
- that God will lead and guide us with regards to finances - who to ask for sponsorships, and that He will open their hearts for us
Some thoughts on praying:
Psa 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me.
Psa 51:11 Cast me not away from Your presence and take not Your Holy Spirit from me.
Psa 51:12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit.
Psa 51:13 Then will I teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners shall be converted and return to You.
Although the Lord Jesus has called each of His children to “go and make disciples of all nations”, we should make sure that we are in right standing with our Lord and Father before we do that. As we see in verses 16-17 of Ps.51 the real and true offering to God is a broken spirit - to know that we are in great need of Him for our own spiritial growth and consecration. It pleases God when we enter His presence by asking Him to give us a clean heart and to make our spirits steadfast. We will be able to teach other people His ways better, when we are restored in our souls with His joy. The joy that springs from knowing we are saved and have eternal life.
Psa 51:16 For You delight not in sacrifice, or else would I give it; You find no pleasure in burnt offering. [I Sam. 15:22.]
Psa 51:17 My sacrifice [the sacrifice acceptable] to God is a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart [broken down with sorrow for sin and humbly and thoroughly penitent], such, O God, You will not despise.
May we receive more of God’s true love, the love that makes it possible for us to truly love Him and other people. May this love in us abound more and more and extend to its fullest development in knowledge, insight and discernment. So that we can surely learn to sense what is vital, and prize what is of real value. So that we can be untainted and pure, with hearts sincere and certain. To be able to approach the day of Christ knowing that we did not stumble and did not cause others to stumble.
Erika, for 121@VMA
Our Bank Details
Name: 121 At VMA Catalysts
Bank: Standard Bank
Account No: 011351470
Branch Code: 010445
Thank you for your contribution!