...with visiting professor from the United States
Bill Waters
Monday, 12 June, 7pm, R20/person
364 Jack Hindon Street
Join us for vetkoek and mince at 6pm, R15/person
RSVP by 2 June@ 012 546 5611 or 082 400 2505
Bill Waters is a retired professor of Criminal Justice at Northern Michigan University. Presently he is a consultant to criminal justice organizations around the world on the use of humour in police and prison work and other ‘serious’ places.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Detensie by Pretoria Noord
Ds Ian Stuart
Detensie is nie meer wat dit in my dae was nie. In my dae, glo dit of nie, was detensie meer opsioneel. Jy kon basies besluit of jy in detesie wou gaan sit en opskrifte skryf of jy kon pak kies en aangaan met jou lewe. Detensie was met ander woorde vir “sussies” en meisies wat of bang was vir slae of wie jy nie mag geslaan het nie.
Deesdae het dinge baie verander. Dit lyk my die kinders hou van die detensie ding. Dit is ’n tyd waarin hulle net kan sit en tyd mors (wat jongmense die meeste van hou om te doen).
Ons het die afgelope paar weke die voorreg gehad om met die Pretoria Noord Hoër detensie groepe te werk. Dit kommer my dat die selfde kinders twee en drie weke agter mekaar, in detensie klas raakloop.
Natuurlik, verdien hulle nie om daar te sit nie, en is dit altyd die skool se dom sisteem of die eenvoudige onnies wat net iets teen hulle het. Die feit bly staan: Kinders sit in detensie en dit is ’n geleentheid wat ons sien om hulle te bereik en te bemagtig tot vernuwing.
Hettie hanteer met die detensie groep ’n wonderlike leerplan. Ons doel met die detensie is om dit te verander van ’n “tyd mors” na ’n “produktiewe geleentheid”. Van ’n “ding” wat net gedoen moet word na ’n “leer” ondervinding. Van ’n “straf aangeleentheid” na ’n “persoonlike ontdekking ervaaring” vir die kinders en hulle skool.
Hettie het regtig probeer, en tot ’n groot mate hierdie doelstellings bereik deur om te begin hierdie kwaar-taal met konsepte soos verantwoordelikheids-sin en persoonlikke doelstelling. Somige van die kinders lyk asof hulle nog nooit aan hierdie lewens belangrikke konsepte gedink het nie en dit maak my baie opgewonde dat ons die geleentheid kry om hulle hiermee te bereik .
Ons sal dit waardeer as mense saam met ons sal bid dat ons die doel van die oefening sal bereik en dat ons werklik ook deur midde van die detensie Romeine 12:1-2 sal kan toepas in die skool.
Detensie is nie meer wat dit in my dae was nie. In my dae, glo dit of nie, was detensie meer opsioneel. Jy kon basies besluit of jy in detesie wou gaan sit en opskrifte skryf of jy kon pak kies en aangaan met jou lewe. Detensie was met ander woorde vir “sussies” en meisies wat of bang was vir slae of wie jy nie mag geslaan het nie.
Deesdae het dinge baie verander. Dit lyk my die kinders hou van die detensie ding. Dit is ’n tyd waarin hulle net kan sit en tyd mors (wat jongmense die meeste van hou om te doen).
Ons het die afgelope paar weke die voorreg gehad om met die Pretoria Noord Hoër detensie groepe te werk. Dit kommer my dat die selfde kinders twee en drie weke agter mekaar, in detensie klas raakloop.
Natuurlik, verdien hulle nie om daar te sit nie, en is dit altyd die skool se dom sisteem of die eenvoudige onnies wat net iets teen hulle het. Die feit bly staan: Kinders sit in detensie en dit is ’n geleentheid wat ons sien om hulle te bereik en te bemagtig tot vernuwing.
Hettie hanteer met die detensie groep ’n wonderlike leerplan. Ons doel met die detensie is om dit te verander van ’n “tyd mors” na ’n “produktiewe geleentheid”. Van ’n “ding” wat net gedoen moet word na ’n “leer” ondervinding. Van ’n “straf aangeleentheid” na ’n “persoonlike ontdekking ervaaring” vir die kinders en hulle skool.
Hettie het regtig probeer, en tot ’n groot mate hierdie doelstellings bereik deur om te begin hierdie kwaar-taal met konsepte soos verantwoordelikheids-sin en persoonlikke doelstelling. Somige van die kinders lyk asof hulle nog nooit aan hierdie lewens belangrikke konsepte gedink het nie en dit maak my baie opgewonde dat ons die geleentheid kry om hulle hiermee te bereik .
Ons sal dit waardeer as mense saam met ons sal bid dat ons die doel van die oefening sal bereik en dat ons werklik ook deur midde van die detensie Romeine 12:1-2 sal kan toepas in die skool.
Pray with 121@VMA, April, 2006
Erika Smit
Intercession is to come into God’s presence and intervene on behalf of someone else, in order to change a course or resolve a problem.
Ps 24 gives us a description of what is required of us to be able to enter into God’s presence: “He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted himself up to falsehood or to what is false, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation.” Ps24:4-5 (Ampl. Bible).
Also consider the next scriptures prayerfully before God: Jer 23:18 and Prov 25:2
It is necessary for us to seek God’s Council and His Wisdom in these matters; and not just present Him with a list of petitions (Job 22:21-30).
Therefore we you to pray with us on the following points with a heart like Christ displayed:
-As a representative of the person/people before God (bringing them before Our Heavenly Father).
- But also as a representative of God before those people (bringing the Almighty God to them and into their lives by prayer). Let us truly seek God for His plans, purposes and perfect will.
- Where should 121’s focus lie?
- Who are the children God further wants 121 to reach?
- The programs to be presented
- Teacher’s cooperation
- Flow of info from our team to teachers
- Detention Group (the Lord knows their true circumstances)
- Leader Group (the Lord also knows their true circumstances)
- Finances
Intercession is to come into God’s presence and intervene on behalf of someone else, in order to change a course or resolve a problem.
Ps 24 gives us a description of what is required of us to be able to enter into God’s presence: “He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted himself up to falsehood or to what is false, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation.” Ps24:4-5 (Ampl. Bible).
Also consider the next scriptures prayerfully before God: Jer 23:18 and Prov 25:2
It is necessary for us to seek God’s Council and His Wisdom in these matters; and not just present Him with a list of petitions (Job 22:21-30).
Therefore we you to pray with us on the following points with a heart like Christ displayed:
-As a representative of the person/people before God (bringing them before Our Heavenly Father).
- But also as a representative of God before those people (bringing the Almighty God to them and into their lives by prayer). Let us truly seek God for His plans, purposes and perfect will.
- Where should 121’s focus lie?
- Who are the children God further wants 121 to reach?
- The programs to be presented
- Teacher’s cooperation
- Flow of info from our team to teachers
- Detention Group (the Lord knows their true circumstances)
- Leader Group (the Lord also knows their true circumstances)
- Finances
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Konings Kinders - Gebed
For the month of May, every Thursday night, we will be working with one of our partners, the Konings Kinders, to present a program to underprivilaged children and their parents. Konings Kinders works with underprivilaged children through camps and are now trying to reach those children's parents.
Hettie Orffer, who is presenting the program to the parents on these Thursday evening asks us to consider the following prayer requests:
- Please pray for parents and their families to attend in numbers.
- Pray that the material that we put together will have nothing in it except that that is in the plan of God.
- Pray that the teachers will see their way to attend or otherwise that they will set a time where we can present this workshops to them.
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